Adjarian family-kitchen
Kitchen was important hearth in the Adjarian family, where was the fireplace, wall-length bedsteads, utensils for everyday use and furniture. Different types of utensils made of wood, clay, and copper are known from household items.
The most common type of tradicional furniture in Adjara is the cradle, which was made of wood like chestnut, walnut, linden and alder. Akvani (cradle) is a baby bed, crib and swing bed. Every Adjarian family cared it gently.
1. Wall-length bedstead.
2. Carpet.
3. Storage chest.
4. Kvatura (bailer made by from bitter pumpkin)
5. Mat (2 pieces) rug, long curtain like drape.
6. Leather bag.
7. Mannequin-3.
Wooden container for cereal and flour storage utensils. Oval-shaped wooden utensils for storing dairy products, without nails, with a wooden lid and bottom. Wooden box. Cradle, Pleated chair, Wooden cupboard, Wooden bowl. Wooden spoon, Wooden table, Wooden box, Bark box, A wide and deep copper bowl with a wide stand. Wooden mortar,
9. Apokhti (adjarian tradional dish made from chicken). 53 items.